air pollution, early learning, environmental awareness, global warming, Lorax

Environmental Awareness Must Start Early!

Our callousness towards nature has started to show its consequences. The sinister smog has swathed our cities and its smutty grip is choking our children with lungfuls of polluted air. If the recent stats are anything to believe then air pollution has caused 9 million deaths so far, which is 16% more than the deaths… Continue reading Environmental Awareness Must Start Early!

children behaviour, Children entertainment, Content for children, hacks for parents, Mental development, parenting, screentime, Social development

What our kids are being showed in the name of entertainment — Watch out!

I was vacationing in India this summer. The sultry and scorching days did not leave any choice for me and my daughter but to slump in the couch and watch some cartoons. I switched on the TV and after some careful shuffling through buttons, we settled on one of them. It was a commercial break… Continue reading What our kids are being showed in the name of entertainment — Watch out!

Life Lessons, parenting, Social development, story retold

Narrative of the goose that was killed for laying golden eggs

The Aesop’s fable ‘The Goose that laid golden eggs” has always been told from the point of view of the greedy farmer. It was all about him: his penury, his luck, his greed and his debacle. None of the narratives have ever come from the poor goose. What was its side of the story? It… Continue reading Narrative of the goose that was killed for laying golden eggs